Please take the time to read through this information carefully.
Please note that by making a booking an appointment with The Page Practice you are agreeing to our Terms & Conditions and our Privacy Notice. You also agree to attend the appointment you have booked.
You can make an appointment with The Page Practice in a number of ways including via our website, telephone or email. Appointments are available for a variety of durations from 30 minutes to 2 hours.
Upon making a booking, you will receive an email confirming all the important details, along with an email reminder 2 days prior to your appointment.
If this is your first appointment with us, you will also receive a New Client Consultation Form Google Forms emailed to you a few days before your appointment. Please complete this and submit it, or print it off and bring it with you. We will not be able to treat you until you have.
Cancellation Policy: 24 hours. Please cancel as soon as possible if a foreseeable event is likely to prevent you from attending, for example, illness or adverse weather conditions. We require a minimum of 24 hours notice to cancel an appointment. Failure to attend an appointment with less than 24 hours notice of cancellation will incur the charge for the full appointment. This is because we may not be able to fill your appointment slot and still need to cover our costs.
if you need to cancel your appointment at short notice because of Covid-19 related symptoms cancellation fee will NOT apply.
However, if you need to cancel your appointment at short notice because of a long-term medical condition which varies from day to day, or because you are more than 37 weeks pregnant, then we shall discuss the cost implications on a case by case basis. An invoice for any cancellation / ‘no show’ charges will be sent to you by email for payment by bank transfer within 7 days. Following a cancellation, payment must be received before any further massage bookings can be taken.
Late Arrivals: It is important that our agreed appointment time and duration is adhered to. We appreciate that sometimes, things happen, and you may arrive a little later or need to leave a bit earlier than planned. This is fine, but we cannot make up the missed time by overrunning or adding time to subsequent appointments.
All client information and clinical records will be safeguarded by The Page Practice and will remain confidential. Unless required to do so by law, we will not otherwise share, sell or distribute any of the information you provide to us without your consent.
Consultations and client treatment details will not be discussed with anyone other than the client, unless the client is under the age of 18 or has a care worker or guardian.
In order to prevent unauthorised access or disclosure, we employ security measures to protect your information from access by unauthorised persons and against unlawful processing, accidental loss, destruction and damage. We have also put in place suitable physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online. We will retain your information for a reasonable period or as long as the law requires.
For more information, please review our Privacy Notice.
Practitioners at The Page Practice are qualified, hold a current First Aid certificate, and hold professional and public indemnity insurance, for the services that they provide.
Due to the nature of massage and the need for close contact The Page Practice practitioners will maintain a high standard of personal hygiene and clients are asked to ensure that they also maintain a high standard of personal hygiene.
If a practitioner is unwell, suffering from a cold or virus, infection or general ill health, they will not be allowed to work due to the risks of cross contamination. This may result in The Page Practice contacting you to inform you of the issue at the earliest opportunity to make suitable alternative arrangements.
Clients are asked not to attend for a massage if they are unwell, suffering from a cold or virus, infection or general ill health. Please contact The Page Practice via email at thepagepractice@gmail.com at the earliest opportunity to rearrange your appointment. If you are unwell and contact us to inform us of your illness, please note that our Cancellation Policy may still apply.
The Page Practice will not be held responsible for the loss or damage of personal items during your time at the Page Practice premises.
Clients under the age of 18 years must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. This parent or guardian must give permission for the agreed massage plan to be performed, and will be requested to co-sign the New Client Consultation Form. They will be invited to stay in the room for the duration of the appointment, and expected to remain present throughout the treatment.
The Page Practice holds the right to refuse any treatment if a client is physically or verbally abusive towards any practitioner, or demonstrates inappropriate, aggressive or sexual behaviour. Such behaviour may result in a partial or total ban from The Page Practice , and may also result in criminal proceedings.
There will be an additional declaration form to complete stating that:
The client has not been in contact with anyone with Covid-19 in the last 14 days, to the best of their knowledge
The client has not had any symptoms:
a recent onset of a new, continuous cough
a high temperature (typically over 37.8℃)
a loss of, or change in, normal sense of smell and / or taste
Should the client contract the virus, or be contacted by the Track & Trace service and advised to self-isolate, they must inform The Page Practice as soon as possible
Depending upon the timing The Page Practice will need to contact other clients possibly affected, and to self-isolate
There will also be a signed declaration from the therapist stating the same declaration.
The Page Practice provide massage therapy and bodywork in a variety of forms, but none of these bodywork modalities are a substitute for professional medical care or counselling. The Page Practice will NOT diagnose, prescribe medication or medical treatment of any kind, unless they are personally qualified to do so, and will always recommend referral to a GP or other qualified medical specialist or practitioner.
The client has a duty to provide accurate and true medical and personal information, to the best of their knowledge, and to keep The Page Practice up to date with details of any medication, symptoms, medical concerns or treatments they are having investigated or undergoing treatment for.
Practitioners at The Page Practice may refuse to treat any client or part of their body with just and reasonable cause. The Page Practice reserves the right to terminate any appointment at any time if they believe that it is not safe or in the client’s best interest to continue. Likewise, the client has the right to refuse, modify or terminate treatment at any time, regardless of prior consent given.